SplatChain Discord Bot Privacy Policy

The only non user-inputted third-party data that SplatChain stores in its database is a user’s Discord username.
Usernames are used to associate wallets with their owners.

User-inputted data includes: Nicknames, wallet usernames, wallet type (person/business), wallet balance.
This data allows the users to personalize their wallets for their characters, and is given to the bot during wallet creation using the /new command.
SplatChain generates a 20-character hexadecimal wallet address for each wallet, as SplatChain is portrayed as a fictional cryptocurrency.

All data about a particular wallet is stored in the bot’s database, and is public information to all users of the SplatChain Bot that know the wallet’s address or username.
Wallet data can be viewed by using the bot’s /info command and providing an address or username.
The /userwallets command is also available; when used it will display the nicknames, usernames, and balances of all wallets owned by a user.
The /userwallets command uses Discord’s mentions system; meaning that in order for someone to query a user that user must be in the same server as the person querying them.

The bot has protection mechanisms to warn a wallet owner if someone is tampering with their wallet.
For most commands that perform edits to a wallet, the bot will first tell the user performing an action that they’re trying to edit a wallet that isn’t theirs.
If the person presses on and sets the ‘force’ flag in the command, the wallet’s owner will receive a DM (if their Discord privacy settings allow DMs from server members) informing them of the action.

If the ‘share’ flag is enabled on a wallet, protections are disabled only for the /transfer command, allowing anyone to transfer funds from the wallet.
All other edits performed on a shared wallet will still be protected.

LittleBit Studios does not share any data from this bot with third parties.